Online Applicant Testing

Free Trial

Register for a free trial of the system. This will give full access to all tests for 7 days, including reports.

Free trial

There are no restrictions on the number of tests you can try and there is no commitment to continuing after the trial, however we know that once an organisation sees the capabilities and usefulness of the system, they will want to use it for their future recruitment campaigns or even to test existing employees on training they have received.

Just click the Register your organisation link, complete your details (you must use a corporate email address) and we will contact you to discuss how to use the system once you application is verified.

Your 7 days start on the day you are approved and all free tests will end, whether completed or not, at the end of the seventh day.

Why not find out more by dropping us a message or calling us on 0208 087 2207

See for yourself how useful Simusuite can be – we are confident you will be impressed.